Maine Neonatology Associates (MNA) provides specialized, comprehensive medical care to newborns from Maine and New Hampshire. Our team of board-certified neonatologists and specialized pediatricians provides 24-hour-a-day coverage at the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit at The Barbara Bush Children’s Hospital. Our team also provides and supervises newborn care at Northern Light Mercy Hospital. We work collaboratively with pediatricians, family practitioners, and pediatric sub-specialists to provide the best care available.
Our Services
We provide 24-7 neonatal care—prenatally, at delivery, and/or during inpatient stay—as well as outreach and education to the medical community.
Meet the Team
Conscientious and capable, your baby’s first team of doctors is comprised of neonatologists, pediatricians, and neonatal nurse practitioners with expertise in newborn care.
Family Resources
You are the most important member of your baby’s team. This section—full of family stories, links to quality resources, news items, and tools—is designed for you.